Introduction to Mindfulness
6 weeks Meditation Course with authentic teachers
Learn the art of meditation for peace, emotional understanding, and happiness
16 Feb, 23 Feb, 2 Mar 9 Mar, 16 Mar & 23 Mar 2022
Wednesdays, 18:00-19:45 UK Time
35% Off now (£97 instead of £150)
Apply by filling up the form below
Mindfulness is a simple, practical and self-empowering way for you to improve your health, resolve relationship conflicts and enable yourself to discard limiting beliefs that are holding you back. Mindfulness has been shown to reduce anxiety levels by 58% and stress by 40% (Krusche et al, 2013, Oxford University).
Mindfulness is recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) as a way of preventing relapse in people with recurring depression, and mindfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT, a talking therapy combining mindfulness and cognitive therapy) is provided by some NHS mental health services for depression and addiction. There is also evidence that loving-kindness meditation, and mindfulness delivered online may have benefits for reducing symptoms of depression.
This course will introduce you to the practice of mindfulness, meditation and art of living. You will be provided with the tools to establish a regular practice at home or work. Led by Karuna Priya, a former Buddhist monk and Nitima Priya, a Holistic Counsellor and Meditation teacher. Both of them have collectively over 30 years of meditation experience in Mindfulness, Meditation and Psychotheraphy.
What you will get
- 6 weekly meditation classes with experienced teachers (Private Zoom meeting link be emailed upon payment)
- Recordings provided each week to deepen experience
- Community support via Private Whatsapp group
- Catch up live sessions anytime through recorded sessions
- E-mail support during course